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Saturday, May 31, 2003

Oh. My. GOD.

One of the weird occupational hazards of writing fiction, I've discovered, is that once in a while I'll be going about the business of my day -- shopping for groceries, going for my walk, planning my new offensive against General Bismarck -- I will notice some stranger who looks, for all the world, exactly like one of my characters. Not that I'm basing my characters on these particular people, because I pretty much don't base my characters on anybody that I actually know, but rather that these people I look upon by sheer random chance just happen to match the picture I have in my brain of my characters. It's always spooky, and I invariably stare, more than I should. Luckily, no one's yet noticed me staring and come over to ask, "Why the hell are you staring at me?!" I'm afraid that my explanation would sound like a dorky pick-up line.

Well, anyway, it's just happened online.

I was looking through Warren Ellis's blog just now, seeking out some bit of weirdness to spice things up a bit, and I happened upon a post of his web-designer decked out in traditional Icelandic garb. So I followed the link to this woman's own site, where she's put up a few more pictures than what Ellis displayed. That's when I realized I was looking at Gwynwhyfar, the heroine of the Arthurian novel I'm now editing.

No, Gwynwhyfar doesn't wear an Icelandic gown, but that dress looks "medieval" enough to suggest it. More striking are the auburn hair, pale complexion, and thin body structure. Give her a bow and a quiver of arrows, and this woman is the character whose exploits I've been attempting to chronicle for six years now.

(My other thought, just now, is: heavens, is that was Icelandic Web Designers look like? Bless my soul....)

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