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Monday, March 31, 2003

Via CalPundit: Andrew Sullivan is calling Bill Clinton as one of the people who thought the war would be fairly easy. I guess the eternal search for Bad Things Clinton goes on, or at least the eternal search for ways to use Clinton to embarrass liberals and Democrats. Just a couple of points:

:: First, I don't think anybody really knows how the war is actually going. Things are happening that make it look bad, and things are happening that imply that the things that look bad really aren't that bad at all. If the war ends up being won in the next three weeks or so, I still think that might qualify as pretty easy. It's only been two weeks.

:: Second, one has to look at Clinton's actual words here. He clearly thought the tactics would be an aerial war with lots of bombing, lasting for several weeks, followed by a massive push of infantry and such. Obviously he was assuming that the tactics this time would somewhat mirror the 1991 Gulf War. Since that's not the tactic that's been employed, Clinton's prediction is pretty meaningless in the way that Sully wants to use it: as a stick to somehow beat on liberals.

:: Third, Sully is probably unaware of it, because the CBS News article on which he bases his post doesn't convey it, but I watched the interview in question and I remember it quite well. Clinton's larger point was in his misgivings about world peace and national security in the wake of such a war, and what he saw as troubling precedent for exactly the kind of pre-emptive war we are now fighting.

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