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Monday, March 03, 2003

An update to the weekend's brouhaha between D-Squared and SDB: D-Squared has removed the offending articles from his main page, although he apparently hasn't yet republished his archives because the articles can still be read there. It's unclear as to whether he's removed them because he doesn't like what he stirred up, or if he's seen some error in his ways, or if he's merely embarassed by his over-the-top language, although in his comments section he does say this: "I suppose that at some level I was trying to get a rise out of SdB and now I've got it. But it's a real shame; things were so good natured, then I lost my temper, and now they aren't." I'm taking this as: "I still stand by what I meant, but I'm now unhappy with the way I said it." Fair enough, I guess.

SDB, though, apparently sees D-Squared's deletion of the posts as some kind of impressive victory on his own part (scroll down to the last update):

"May I offer him a piece of cowboy wisdom? Never call someone out unless you know you're faster on the draw than he is."

I'm not exactly sure what SDB means here; he seems to be implying that D-Squared was attempting to "fly under SDB's radar", I guess. Maybe, but D-Squared's own admission that he was trying to get a rise out of SDB doesn't support such a view (unless it's a case of revisionism; I don't know). But I'm unsure as to how SDB has arrived at the conclusion that he is "faster on the draw" than D-Squared. I mean, we're talking blogs here, and while I think D-Squared was wrong and over-the-top in his reaction to SDB's "Nuke Berkeley" joke, I also think that joke was in very poor taste to begin with. So I'm totally at a loss as to how the whole "gunfight at the OK Corral" metaphor applies to anything except to afford SDB a chance for a little more chest-thumping. Hell, he might as well write, "Boo-Yeah, Who's-your-Daddy, That's-what-I'm-talkin'-a-bout!!" and lift his hand for some high-fives from the folks who flooded D-Squared's comments section.

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