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Saturday, March 22, 2003

Some notes on blog-surfing I've been doing lately....

:: I've had Laputan Logic blogrolled pretty much since John Hardy launched it -- he's a fellow participant in Collaboratory -- but I've been remiss in reading it, despite the fact that he somehow unearths more fascinating stuff that I ever thought possible. Check him out; it's like National Geographic in blog-format.

:: I can't vouch for the content, but I love the name of this blog.

:: I've also taken a liking to Punning Pundit and RaptorMagic, enough so as to add them to "Other Journeys". (BTW: I've seen it remarked occasionally that the longer a blogroll, the less valuable it is to readers. Can anyone explain to me the reasoning here? I only link blogs that I read at least on a weekly basis, and most of them I check at least once daily. Of course, maybe this is a sign that unemployed people who are in limbo while they await their opportunity to launch their freelance careers -- like me -- spend too damn much time blogging. Nah, that can't be it.)

:: And finally, joinging MetaFilter and SportsFilter is BookFilter, for which I've signed up. It's just like the first two, albeit with a specifically literary focus, as the title implies.

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