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Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Just some very brief stuff today, because I'm nursing a cold.

:: Ah, Spring in Upstate New York -- when the ground enters that most beautiful intermediary state, between "snow-covered" and "grassy green". Otherwise known as "muddy quagmire".

:: We drove to Buffalo yesterday to do some apartment hunting. It sounds incredibly geeky, I suppose, especially given that we were gone for all of six months, but it was really good to see our once-and-future-haunts again.

:: Today's entrees on the liquid diet include green tea with honey, and copious amounts of DayQuil. I hope to be back on solids by dinnertime. My colds, fortunately, tend to be really rough for a single day and then I get better. I expect to be somewhat recovered by tomorrow.

:: CalPundit is on hiatus until Friday. I suppose he deserves a break. But I don't want to give him one. Oh well.

:: Sean is a NCAA b-ball fan, and he's got an online pool going. I'm refraining because my knowledge of such matters is so bad that I'd be tempted to write-in St. Bonaventure. But, people who are more aware on such matters might want to have a look.

:: I'm shocked! shocked! that Saddam Hussein rejected President Bush's ultimatum. So, it looks like it's time for bombs to start dropping. As others have noted, it's time to hope for the best. My general position is that while I agree with the necessity of the war, I look on the people running things and imagine what the country would look like if the South had waited to secede until Calvin Coolidge was President. This Administration's bungling attempts at diplomacy and nation-building do not particularly infuse me with confidence in what a post-war Iraq would look like -- rather the reverse, actually -- but the die is cast. President Bush has shown a certain fondness for poker metaphors lately, so here's one of my own: in the war itself, we're about to play our full house. Problem is, I can't help but suspect that when it comes to the post-war stuff, we'll be sitting on a pair of two's.

:: That's all for today. I'll try to be back tomorrow, and hopefully with the long-awaited continuation (heh) of "Attack of the Presidents".

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