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Thursday, November 21, 2002

There is an interesting and rather creepy post over on S. L. Viehl's blog StarLines about the letters authors receive in the mail...and the fact that some of them come from convicts serving out their sentences. I like reading StarLines because Sheila shares a lot of details about what it's really like to be a writer, the day to day minutiae that fill a writer's life, a lot of which I have never before considered because I've never realized that it needed to be considered. This is one such example. Normal writer website advice tends to run along the lines of, "Write every day", "Be prepared for lots of rejection", "Read read read" et cetera -- all valuable and essential advice, to be sure. But I'm really thankful that Sheila is out there to provide advice along the lines of "Prepare for the day when convicted murderers read your work".

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