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Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Some people have defended Warren Sapp's actions in the Green Bay-Tampa Bay game on Sunday, purely on the basis that it was a legal hit, he did nothing that was against the rules, it's a violent game, so deal with it. The suggestion that Sapp should have shown some class -- either in choosing not to level the guy or, failing that, not celebrating it while the guy was still down on the ground -- is met with deaf ears.

Well, the hit in last night's game that put Eagles' QB Koy Detmer out of the game was also a legal hit, in which nothing was done that was against the rules. So those who want to know how Sapp should have behaved need only look at the way the 49ers defensive players came to wish Detmer well before the golf cart wheeled him to the locker room.

Football is a violent game, and it is an emotional game. But it doesn't have to be a classless game.

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