Monday, June 09, 2008

Sentential Links #142

Here we go. Yeah, lots of politics this week.

:: Family fights are always painful, but they are usually easily healed as well. Here's to the end of the Long March of 2008. It's been real. (That it has. I would have voted for Hillary Clinton in November if she'd been nominated, without question.)

:: One virtue of having a reputation as a straight-talker is that you can get away with constant lying.

:: On a social level, it's hard to picture someone of Hillary's age, experience, and temperament being willing to play second fiddle to a young guy like Obama. On a political level, she has more clout in the Senate than she would as vice president. On a personal level, Obama and Clinton (and their respective teams) just don't seem to like each other much. (I agree. About the only benefit I could see to Clinton running for VP would be that it would make her the presumptive nominee in 2016.)

:: What's the message John McCain delivers when he shows up? You don't need any government help, all you need to do is what I did, get yourself born the son and grandson of admirals and then marry an heiress with lots of political muscle? What inspiration is George W. Bush providing with his example? You don't need any government help, all you need is a rich and forgiving daddy with a lot of friends who owe him big favors and you can become President of the United States, no sweat?

OK, leaving off the politics:

:: Love is Pure White.

:: I have no idea how any of these things will ultimately turn out. But I do hope.

:: When someone dies, we bombard ourselves with all of the clichés.

Stay safe, folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jaquandor. Have you been unconsciously tip-toeing into the recesses of my mind?

There are a few links here that are so personal to me in my own way.

Love is pure white and the link about cliches.

Love is pure white has it's own special meaning to me from when my son was little.

And lately -- I'm *all about* cliches. And the obvious. Cliches and the obvious are very comforting to me right now.

Yikes! Neat way to start the day.