Sunday, November 04, 2007

Go Mirna!

The Amazing Race starts tonight, with a whole new batch of racers. I've only been on the TAR bandwagon for about a year now, having now seen three seasons through (starting with those great hippies' win). The downside? No Mirna, sadly. The upside? No Dustin-and-Kandice, whose antics made me think that the show's rules should include "No having anyone drive you to your destination, no having anyone let you follow their car to their destination, and no having some local ride with you so they can point which way you should turn to get to your destination".

Obviously, I have no idea which team I'll end up pulling for overall, since it takes a few episodes before anyone really starts to stand out. But let's be honest: early money has me pulling for this Goth duo. But as interesting as that pink Goth lady looks, there'll always be a special place in my heart for Mirna. Sigh....

(Geez: A Bills game, followed by Colts-Pats, followed by The Amazing Race? And I didn't think to buy chips or Cheetos yesterday when I did my grocery shopping! AIEEE!)

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