Saturday, May 08, 2004

Oooooooh, this had BETTER be a weekly feature!

Mickey hints that he may start indulging one of my smaller passions on a weekly basis: photographs of the President of the United States in which the President looks goofy. Mickey doesn't solicit captions, but I'd still suggest this: "Hey, where's my sprinkles, you son-of-a-bitch!"

(Though I believe that our current President lends himself more than most to photographic goofiness -- well, goofiness of all varieties -- I'm pretty much non-partisan when it comes to my enjoyment of Presidents looking goofy, and this extends to candidates as well. One of my favorite goofy Presidential pictures of all time had President Clinton meeting with some foreign leaders, and for some reason, they all wore these horrible oversized shirts made of some incredibly rigid and shiny fabric. He looked like an idiot.)

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