Thursday, April 01, 2004

That does it.

My mind's made up: I will no longer be using BlogRolling. The service hasn't been responding at all today, which is the third day in the last two weeks this has happened. I'm tired of it, and the service didn't benefit me that much to begin with. As soon as I can actually access my blogroll again, I'm migrating the links to hand-coded HTML on the template.

So sayeth the Keeper of This Blog.

(Who said blog administrativia was boring? Well, yeah, it is.)

(UPDATE: God, trying to hit my daily reads is a pain-in-the-ass without the blogroll. I find myself thinking, "Now, what was Lynn Sislo's URL again? OK, I think I have the first three letters, let's see if IE can fill in the rest....ah, there it is!")

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