Thursday, March 11, 2004

Another entry in the "Least Shocking Headline EVER" sweepstakes.

Study Finds That Teenage Virginity Pledges Are Rarely Kept. (NYT registration required)

No, really? You mean, the whole "Teach abstinence and nothing else and the little tykes will never ever try things out" strategy might not be working? Ye Gods!

And then there's this article by John Derbyshire, who apparently can't write about anything about how icky he thinks gays are. The gist here is that somehow, allowing gay marriage will completely remove the topic of gender from public discourse. Ummmm....yeah....The website only offers a couple of teaser grafs, with the helpful note at the end that "You can read the rest of this article in our current issue!" Well, maybe I will, but only if you guys promise that the rest of it is as stupid as the grafs quoted.

Derbyshire gets paid to write stupid stuff. I get paid to change light bulbs at The Store. Go figure.

(links via Pandagon and Matthew Yglesias)

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